Intro to Remarketing: Bringing Customers Back to Your Website


Local businesses are always looking for new ways to reach target consumers by expanding their online marketing efforts. For businesses already investing in online marketing, like search engine marketing, display advertising, or social media, remarketing is an easy way to re-engage previous site visitors as they surf the Web. And for those new to online marketing strategies, remarketing is a cost-effective way to test the water and recapture lost prospects.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a form of display advertising targeting that can bring valuable prospects back to your business website.  Remarketing displays your banner ads to consumers who have recently visited your website, and have therefore expressed a high level of interest in your products and services.  The goal of remarketing is to keep your brand, products and services in front of highly interested consumers so they return to your website to contact you or make a purchase.

How does Remarketing Work?

Say you’re running a search engine marketing campaign, radio ads, and engaging in social media to advertise your kitchen remodeling business. You’re getting prospective customers to your website, but they’re leaving without calling you for a quote, filling out a web form, or taking some other desired action. 

So, to remind them of your remodeling services, you can use remarketing technology to serve your former visitors quality banner ads as they surf sites across the Web.  To do this, the remarketing technology drops a web cookie on your prospect’s browser. Then, that technology uses the cookie to track the prospect and display your ads to them as they visit other websites, like a webmail client, popular entertainment sites, local news sites, etc.

Why Remarketing?

If you’re already investing in advertising to get people to your website, remarketing is a highly cost-effective way to stay in front of those visitors who leave without converting. According to AdRoll, remarketing costs 20% less than traditional display advertising while performing two times better on a click-through basis.

Studies show that remarketing can lift conversions from search engine marketing (like ReachSearch) and other forms of advertising.  By reminding interested prospects of what you have to offer, remarketing encourages them to click on your ad, return to your website, and convert (such as by calling or emailing you).  Even if prospects don’t immediately click on your display ads, being exposed to them repeatedly over a period of time increases familiarity and affinity with your brand. In fact, consumers exposed to display ads are much more likely to search for brand terms in the future.  And by integrating remarketing with your existing analytics, you can track details about your clicks, conversions, and more to get a full picture of who’s visiting your site.

Introducing ReachRemarketing

ReachLocal’s ReachRemarketing helps local businesses recapture lost prospects that discover them via all forms of advertising, including traditional advertising, search engine marketing, web presence management, and more.  To learn more about what ReachRemarketing can do for your local business, contact your ReachLocal representative or fill out our contact form.

About the Author
Tamara Farley
helps equip small business owners with information about local online advertising, social media marketing, and more as a blogger for
ReachCast and ReachLocal.

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